Now, isn't Communism/Socialism "Everything in common"? So the boyar should have given half the gold to the peasant and the peasant should have given half the bread to the boyar, and they both would have had gold, and both survived, at the end...right? (tongue in cheek). But, of course that is not the point of the story, rather, it's "Eat the Rich", which we hear a lot about nowadays.

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Right on the money, again.

Thank you!

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The real question is why does the gold have value? Why can it be used to "fix" a town? And does stealing the gold or even just inheriting the gold from a stranger destroy the ability of the gold to fix the town? (Why accept gold that will be stolen from you, or your heirs?)

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At the end of the movie, Inherit The Wind, Spencer Tracey's character is talking to a reporter about Matthew Brady after he died in a biblical tirade at the end of the Scopes Trial. He said Brady looked for God too far up and too far away. Just like the drowning man in the first parable.

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A goat owned in common always starves. -African proverb

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"The goal of socialism is communism"

No, the goal of socialism is power for the dictator, same as any other dictatorship.

Socialism of every flavor is just dictatorship with a fancy paintjob.

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This is brilliant. Thank you.

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The North Koreans have a picture book of this story. Well, it contains several stories of the same basic two themes: you have to kill off all the capitalists rich folks, and how you are living in a better world and don't know it. Well, if you are in a camp, you aren't, but you must have been bad. Only 'bad' people are in camps. This book was introduced to me three days after I met my second North Korean escapee via the tunnels the North Koreans dug into South Korea. They dug some during the active conflict, and some after, but the South knows where they are, and troops, sometimes ours, sometimes ROK, are stationed near them, and we've got them rigged with motion sensors and the like. I understand that the images are even in color to the picture book, which just adds to the whole "screaming propaganda," because 99% of PRNK images are in black and white.

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